
Ride with people travelling to your destination

How Does It Work

Safe and secure

Register and provide your details. IDs are properly verified. So you know who you’re travelling with.

Find or Offer a Ride

Find people nearby travelling your way and match your criteria. You can also book an instant ride (VIP) and get picked up by a driver.

Book Ride With Escrow

Book or Offer your ride online in few clicks. We offer escrow payment to minimize dispute. VIP riders pay immediately.

Connect & Travel

Connect with your ride partners and get to your exact destination, without the hassle. Zityka cuts out queues and the waiting for bus time.

Take Zityka With You Wherever You Go!


With the Zityka mobile app you are a few taps away from a ride at your doorstep. Or, if you’d rather drive, the least expensive journey you’ve ever made.

Forget dragging your luggage to the bus stop. Forget transfers. Forget about breaking the bank for a weekend away.

With us, you just connect with someone nearby who’s going your way. Someone who wants to share the ride. So you can both save your time and money for what’s important.